Saturday, August 4, 2007

We're Here!

We made it to Ocean Isle yesturday. It is so nice to have some peace. Of course Clamidy Jane already had a huge knot on the head due to falling off the bed. It lead to another debate over rather or not to take her to the hospital, and exactly how many times we can take her to the emergency room before they take her away from us. So we put off a visit this time not knowing what is around the corner.

Other than that all is well, I will post some pics tomorrow. You know what it looks like, ocean, sand and fat people in bathing suits (including me.)


Sandy D. said...

You need to put that girl in a bubble until she is 20.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Wrap her in foam rubber - and remind her that beds are not trampolines! Give her hugs & kisses from us!