Friday, September 28, 2007

Pet Day (AKA Torture Larry Day)

Today was Pet Day in first grade. Poor Larry has been sick all week anyway (thanks to his shots) so to cap off what must have been a great week for him, we took him to pet day. As you can tell in the picture he was not all that cooperative. He mostly wanted to get as far away from those kids as possible. He did let some of the kids pet him, but he made sure they knew he did not like it. I brought him home, and I am pretty sure if he never gets in the car again, it will be one day too soon for him!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday 13: 13 Beach Pictures I Never Posted!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When I Grow Up....

I came across this totally adorable cat, sacked out on my side of the bed this afternoon. It occured to me what an incredible life this cat has, all his needs are met, he is loved and adored by all who live here (and even some who don't,) his greatest worry in life is where to take his afternoon nap. So I decided when I grow up, I want to be Larry, not just any ole cat but Larry.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Thank you Lord for today's rain. We needed it desperately.

Is it a sign of old age to be thankful for rain?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday 13: Thirteen Places in My House that Need Cleaning!

My house is GROSS! I am so busy (especially for a stay-at-home mom.) I have no idea where time goes. So in honor of my nasty house and before I go take my nap, here are thirteen places that need cleaning.

  1. the master tub (I even tried a trick I saw on BBC)
  2. the base boards
  3. the ceiling fans
  4. the desk in the office
  5. the refrigerator
  6. the laundry room
  7. the kid's rooms, closets, toy boxes, and drawers
  8. the attic
  9. under the house
  10. JB's dresser
  11. the hardwood floors
  12. the office closet
  13. the storage chest in the hall

Now that's done I can take a nap.....

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Best Weekend Ever!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Can You Wait Until Tomorrow?

I'm sure that you guys are dying to hear about my weekend and see all 110 pictures I took... but you're going to have to wait until tomorrow, I'm too tired tonight. I promise I will post tomorrow.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Perfect Night

Hot dogs,pizza,funnel cakes- 50.00
Foam Fingers- 8.00
Seeing John Smoltz almost pitch a perfect game and your kid on national television-PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to be honest, that was probably one of the best nights of my life. The Braves were awesome, John Smoltz pitched almost a perfect game, the crowd was was perfect!
Around 9:00 or so Mrs. Tib our neighbor called to say she had just seen Dylan on TV, then when we got home he was on the braves home page. Check it out at
You can see the video of Dylan (and John Smoltz, of course) under the video of "Smoltz fans 10" Of course I keep telling him that the reason he was on TV (more than once) and the jumbo tron is because his wonderful mother made him a sign to take that says "JOHN SMOLTZ ROCKS!" On the way out everyone kept telling him he had the sign of the night. He loved it all!! As a mom we can only hope to see your child that happy, all I can say is I would have spent twice that just to see the smile on his face.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday 13: Thirteen Reasons this is going to be the best weekend EVER!!!!!

As some of you may know, we are leaving tomorrow for Atlanta for the weekend. I am over the moon about this trip, to follow are only 13 of the reasons I am so excited!

  1. I'm going to see Sandy! It has been 18 months since I saw her last, and although we rarely see each other, it makes her no less one of the most important people in my life.
  2. John Smoltz!!!!!!! The big one thinks John Smoltz raises and sets the moon, as a surprise to him we have gotten tickets for Friday nights game also and John Smoltz is pitching! He will be so excited.
  3. Fancy Hotel! As most of you with kids can relate to, we go for cheap and family friendly rather than fancy, for this weekend my friend Juan Pablo has gotten us rooms in an incredible hotel!
  4. It will be nice to do something with the big one and his friend, something that they enjoy, and I will gain enjoyment just from watching them!
  5. The Nationals suck, the Braves might win!
  6. Sandy! Sandy! Sandy! Did I mention how glad I am to see her?
  7. Hot dogs, peanuts, and ice cold coke.
  8. They have cool malls in Atlanta.
  9. The Braves shop, I have been waiting on this trip to finish decorating his room. Here's a hint it will be a Braves motif.
  10. We left all the planning to our own personal Julie McCoy, I'm sure it will be great, thanks Juan Pablo!
  11. Starbucks! There is a Starbucks in our hotel, what a great way to start the day!
  12. I don't have to clean house this weekend.
  13. Sandy, Sandy, Sandy!!!! See you soon girlfriend!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Coming Soon!

Tomorrow I intend to post a special Thursday 13. Stay tuned for the only Thursday 13 I've done that took no thought at all.

Here's a hint, the following words will be in the blog: hot dog, John Smoltz, and hotel. I'm sure your dying with anticipation, until then....

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Homework Hell

All good things must come to an end, today happy homework ended. Even the little one was crabby, and lacking in ambition today when it came to homework. Apparently words like cheese, week, place, bird and insect are kicking her butt. Even Mr. Patience (aka Daddy) is loosing steam in fact his direct quote while I sit here (after a 15 minute practice session) and type is "that's slit your wrist kind of fun." The big one just had a lot to do with three test tomorrow. All good things must end, the only thing keeping me going is that I'm going to see my most special friend Sandy and Juan Pablo on Saturday, otherwise I would have to go somewhere and cry!