Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teeth Clean!

Not only clean but cavity free. Only one slight problem, the dentist said do not pass go, do not collect $100, go straight to the local orthodontist. We'll do that in 10 days. That ain't going to be cheap.
Not really getting any work done at school, but had a great time at the pool today.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Tetanus Here

Middle School Shots-DONE!
He handled it well, but after he had some sort of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder.) By the time he got to the school, (about three miles) he was a white as a ghost. His lips were completely white and his hands were shaking. It took him about 15 min. and then he was over it. Lets hope the dentist goes as well (first time without valium and laughing gas!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good News

Well, I ran into the good Doc at church, he delivered good news. All my Dad's test were all good, he may add a new medication, but there were not acute problems. Praise the Lord!!!! We are all relieved to hear the good news. I assure you I will sleep 100x's better now.
An exciting week ahead with dentist appointments, middle school shots and new contacts for the 11 year old in our house. I'll update on that one for sure! Back to work this week also, rumor has it I may have a house guest soon, want to be able to play a lot that weekend and not worry about work, but just for the record I go back to work in almost 2 weeks!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Still Nothing

Well, there is just nothing new to report. I just happened to notice on Sandy's blog that I had not updated in 2 weeks and felt I should just put something out there. I hate it when other people don't update their blogs.
We have been BUSY!!!! This next week is the first week since school got out that we do not have somewhere to be every day. This week it was swimming lessons, last week it was cheer camp but I think we are slowing down now. I have started working again. Most of you already know that I will be teaching middle school as well as elementary next year. This certainly presents a challenge, I am excited to still be with Pickle, but anxious about this new adventure. I did however get to buy my 1st ever laptop. It will be essential as I begin teaching in the middle school as I will be using a smart board as part of my lessons. A laptop will allow me to do more planning from home. I love it, but I am too lazy to take a picture of it for this blog. Pray for me as I take on this new challenge. I am anxious about dealing with middle school kids, but I believe that God will show me His love for these children.
Also, please be in prayer for my dad as well, if you remember from my previous post he passed out at the parade. Since then he has had a headache everyday, and struggled with dizziness and nausea. As you guys who know him can attest, he does not stop for anything. We spent yesterday afternoon in the emergency room as his symptoms had progressed to the point that he was afraid something was really wrong. The good news is that they ran tons of test (CAT scan, EKG, CBC, etc.) and there was nothing on any of the test. The bad news is he is still feeling bad and has no idea why, he just keeps saying "I know there is something wrong with me." It's hard to see the person who has always made things right for me not feeling well and afraid of what is wrong with him. I'm hoping it is something like medications that need to be adjusted and not something serious. I'll be glad when the good Doc (you know who you are) comes home and looks him over.
So, that's it, nothing new, mostly a lot of anxiety. But the Lord is good and faithful. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This is going to become my mantra, not a bad way to live life for sure!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nothing New

I really haven't had anything to update on, but the mundane, but I will give a brief overview of the last few weeks.
Last week was busy with a capitol B. It was VBS as well as the Iredell County Independence Celebration Parade. VBS was a lot of fun, but Dill Pickle only got to go 2 days due to a nasty stomach bug (which I thought might be appendicitis.) He recovered in time to go on Thursday. MH had cheer camp last week as well so she got to do both all week except Friday. She was tired but had a lot of fun. The new routine looks great, and I see many more great finishes for them.

Saturday was the parade and it was great. It was so hot, yet it really was not temperature heat but more humidity heat. I should explain that my dad organizes this parade every year, and it is a ton of work. This years featured guest were the Vietnam veterans. We had a very moving ceremony, and then diginitarys such as Elizabeth Dole (NC senator) and Virginia Foxx (US congresswoman) spoke to those gathered around. These folks rode in the parade as well. Did I mention it was hot? My dad (aka Stuborn Old Man) refused to drink enough water and promptly passed out as the last float pulled on to the parade route. He is fine, but scared all of us! Here is a link to the article in the local paper about the parade

Oh, and my toe. Friday night on our way to the parade dinner, I was coming out the back door and turned too quickly at the bottom of the stairs and hit my big toe on the brick. My toenail has been pulled back about 90%. Can I tell you how bad this hurts? The good news/bad news is that it doesn't hurt that bad anymore but it is turning black and my friendly family dr says that it is going to fall off. I was going to put a picture on here of it, Sandy even said I should, but to save you the gross out factor I won't.
See, nothing good to share.