Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday 13: Thirteen Signs of Spring!

Thirteen Signs of Spring!
  1. Science Fair, Pickle's project was due this week, always a sure sign that it is spring.
  2. cuter clothes in the stores- looked yesturday and saw some CUTE stuff!
  3. MH's birthday, can you believe my BABY is going to be seven?????
  4. too cool for summer clothes, too warm for winter clothes.
  5. buds on the trees
  6. the man next door has worked in his yard to 3 straight days and I still can't tell that he has done anything! I feel bad for the poor guy!
  7. JB's birthday, can you believe I'm old enough to be married to a 36 year old man?
  8. considering dragging out the capri's, but I'm afraid my friend Beth will make fun of me.
  9. Easter and Spring Break are next week!
  10. all the kids want to do is fly home from school, change their clothes and head outside.
  11. Almost time for the Duke Angels Among Us walk, I can not believe that this will be the15th year, and I've been to all but one.
  12. Made reservations for vacation this year, I am so excited to head to the Outer Banks with the Youngs, none of us have ever been and we are looking forward to going to a new place.
  13. Reese's peanut butter eggs are at Wal-Mart!