I just no longer have time to do this. So long my friends.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
defying gravity
Tomorrow morning at 7:55, I am getting in a metal tube that defies gravity and heading to Birmingham Al. Those who know me, know that there must be something pretty wonderful at the end of this air travel or I would not be going. Indeed, I am making a trip to see Sandy. It has been two years this September since I saw Sandy. It is always funny to me how I see her only every two years or so yet when we are together it is like not one minute has passed since we were together last. Usually within just a few minutes we are talking alike, and laughing at stuff only we think is funny. God blessed me with her friendship a long, long time ago, and for that I am indescribably thankful. I can't wait to see her and Paul! I am sure that it will be a wonderful weekend of laughing and togetherness!
See ya soon!
Posted by Karen at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
ho hum
We have entered the ho hums of summer. It is the time that going to the pool is not as much fun anymore, the time when doing nothing is not ok, the time when I must start thinking of school again.
Did I say school, again??? Where does time go? Just yesterday it was May 29th and I was breathing a sigh of relief that school was out, I had survived graduation (again) and that the best was yet to come. Here I am 6 weeks later, and I only have less than a month before I go back to work. I started working on school and you know what happened? Even this blog that I ignore and claim to be completely over suddenly is calling my name. Can you say procrastion? The truth is I feel overwhelmed, I have to reinvent the wheel again this year and that task just seems too much. I feel like crying. Will it help? No, will I anyway, probably. It is times like these that my ADD kicks in big time, and I can't do anything.
On a bright (extremely bright, blindingly bright)note, I am going to suck up my fear of flying,(and maybe take a Valium or two) and fly to Birmingham next week. I can not wait to see Sandy and Paul! I want to meet their friends, see their work and everything Bham has to offer.
Posted by Karen at 5:04 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
my dying youth
My youth took a major hit today. Growing up as a little girl in the 70's everyone wanted to have hair like Farrah Faucet, every little girl wanted to be her. She was beautiful, talented and lets face it folks, her hair was an icon into itself. It saddened me to learn of her passing this morning. She had fought the good fight, but in the end she lost.
Then to lose MJ on the same day is shocking. I loved MJ, I had not one, but two Thriller albums. I loved his music, the way he danced and even some of his clothes. I had the parachute pants, with the bandana that had astroids on it! He lived a controversal life, he did a lot of stupid things, but man could he make music.
Does it make me old if the icons from my youth are dying? No, right? Just agree with me, pacify the old lady.
Posted by Karen at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
tumbling all around
Here is video of MH tumbling at the gym tonight. Those of you who don't know her very well, let me give you a quick clue as to why this is a big deal. Everything comes easy to M, whether it is school, friends for whatever, it is always easy for her. That leads us to the round off backhand spring, which has been anything BUT easy for her, in fact it has been down right hard. My sweet M, has worked so hard, and this week her hard work paid off, Wednesday she got her round off backhand spring, tonight, she got her round off backhand spring, backhand spring. I am proud of her for working hard and not giving up when the going got tough.
This blog is turning into a brag-a-thon, I promise no more "mom" post for a while.
Posted by Karen at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
live from Duck, NC
Hi all, here we are at the Outer Banks! We are having a great time, the kids (big and small) are being good and having a blast. The weather has been wonderful, even the rainy day had sunshine. We have all eaten well, rested well, and relaxed alot.
Just what the doctor ordered!
Posted by Karen at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
warning..bragging mom
Ok, I am going to brag in a BIG way.
Today was middle school awards day. My son received a science award, the Headmasters honor roll award (for making a 94+ average every 6 weeks) and was inducted into the National Junior Honors Society. WOW!!
Hello..... does anyone but me remember that this is the kid who struggled for the first 4 years of school, the one who I thought at one point was NEVER going to learn to read. He has worked so hard at school. School is never easy for him, and he always has to work harder than the others for the same grades, but this year the desire to make those grades came to him in a BIG way. I could not be more proud, it is so wonderful to see his hard work (and mine) pay off.
Sorry my camera batteries died before I could take the first picture, but trust me it happened, I have the certificate to prove it! Those of you wishing to see it will find it framed in his bedroom. Come see it if you don't believe me. :)
Posted by Karen at 7:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
i lied
I'm too tired to fool this tonight, made two different slide shows and lost them both. I'm done, as Grandma Schultz would say wooh.
p.s. I don't have a grandma Schultz.
Posted by Karen at 9:01 PM 0 comments
whatcha been doin?
We have been busy. It is after all that infamous last month of school, I am truckin' along and all children at SCS have reached an all time high in excitement. We are all ready, even MH is faking illness every Monday morning. Thankfully this is our last Monday.
We are busy with all the usual getting out of school events, Finale Rally (otherwise known as Field Day), awards day, and of course the ever fun graduation coming next week. All of this of course leads to vacation. Ahhhhhhhhhh, vacation.
Did you know we went to Washington DC? My mom and dad wanted to take the Pickle with them on a trip to DC for his birthday. Well I am an only child and so I felt free to invite myself and my husband and other child, change all their plans and do things my way. (The joys of being an only child.) We had a great time, the weather was wonderful, and fun was had by all. We saw all the sights, some several times as we had trouble navigating the roads occasionally. Did you know there are all kinds of bridges there? We were on all of them, some multiple times. After I publish this I will make a slide show of the pictures. Make sure you check them out.
Thats it for now, I'd bet the next time you hear from me, it will be from Duck, NC. As MH would say, peace out!
Posted by Karen at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Posted by Karen at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
happy anniversary

Posted by Karen at 4:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
standing up for what you believe in
I am so proud of Miss California. Now generally I do not watch pageants, or haven't in a lot of years, and I did not watch the Miss USA pageant this weekend, but I sure have given it much thought since I saw highlights on the news. Here's what happened...
Miss California was asked in the interview portion of the program whether or not she believed that gay marriage should be legal in all 50 states. Her response was no she believed that marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman. Was this a popular answer? No, although she was met with applause as well as the boos, but she said what she believed. In the days that have followed, she has been berated by the judge/blogger, she has been judged in the media and talked about A LOT, yet this afternoon she was on TV again stating that she stood by her answer and even if it cost her winning the Miss USA crown, she wasn't about to change her beliefs.
It is not always easy to stand up for what we believe. As Christians we are often persecuted for our beliefs, yet this young woman has the courage to stand up for what she believes. I just can't help but admire her courage, and think about her mom, she must be really proud.
Posted by Karen at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
happy birthday!
Posted by Karen at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
twice in one day
Stop what your doing right now and pray for baby Stellen. You can click over to Mckmama's blog (look to the left) and check on the latest. Many of you may have read last summer as he was diagnosed as terminal by his heart doctor while in utero. The Lord healed him and he was born healthy last fall. His heart issues seem to have reared up again, he is in SVT which is a fast heart beat (sometimes up to 300 beats per minute).
God can do anything and he can heal Stellen again, right this very instant, of this I firmly believe. Pray for God's comfort, peace and strength as his parents go through this time.
Posted by Karen at 8:04 PM 0 comments
nothing to report
I am so turning into these people that drive me crazy that never update their blog, maybe it is time to ditch the whole thing, something to think about.
Not much to report really, just going on about lives, running like mad people. It is crazy how busy our lives are, makes me think that one day we will turn around and wonder where did our lives go. We have so much to be thankful for I guess I shouldn't complain.
Lots of stress last week with he BIG meeting at school for next year. Looks like I get to keep my job, unfortunately lots of my friends weren't as fortunate. Scary times for sure, we were going to only be able to keep one kid there, if I wasn't working there, wasn't sure how we were going to be able to explain that, thankfully it looks like we won't have to.
Both kids are doing so well in school. Blows my mind what an incredible student Dyl has become, two years ago I thought we wouldn't get through 4th grade, now he is on the Headmasters honor roll every time, what a blessing from God. Mad is of course an incredible student, always has been, loves to read and is currently reading on a 5th grade level (she's in second grade)! But if she doesn't get her backhand spring soon, I am going to go MAD!!! Seems like it is always one step forward two steps back in that department.
That's all folks.....
Posted by Karen at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
happy birthday baby girl
Posted by Karen at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
isn't this cute?
These pictures are from this afternoon's trip outside to play in the snow. The first picture is Dylan with his "Wilson." He built his snowman across the street and carried it home piece by piece when it was done. The bottom is Dylan, Kobe and Grace with both snowmen. Mad is noticibly absent from these pictures, apparently there was a meeting of a snowball and her face, which did not go over well and she came home. These cute snowmen are no credit to her, she was too busy being a pill. According to her "I got up way before the sun to see the snow." Hopefully she will go to bed early, and sleep in, as they have already cancelled school for tomorrow as well.
Posted by Karen at 8:15 PM 1 comments
we had snow on our snow day!
We finally had real snow, the kids are so excited. The kids of all ages. JB took the kids sledding at the middle school, I am home making a big pot of white chicken chilli. Soup should warm them up nicely when they get home. Nice to be home today, wonderful that the kids got enough snow to actually play in this time!
Posted by Karen at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
did I tell you they won???
Last Sunday Maddie had a competition in Greensboro. They preformed really well, we were so excited by how they preformed, but cautious about where they would finish, as we have thought all year they were great, but their finishes did not show it. We totally disrespected the 2nd place team and cheered when we realized we had won, sorry Cheer Extreme Salem, next time we will be better sports, I promise! Anyway, we are proud as punch of you guys!
Posted by Karen at 3:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Larry!
Posted by Karen at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
i hate people like me...
I hate it when people don't update their blogs. I am sorry for being one of those people lately. I have good excuses, such as school, sinus infection and last week pneumonia. I have been a barrel of laughs lately, just ask my poor JB, he has been working, taking care of the children and not complaining one time about me sleeping constantly for the last week.
I do feel human again, still coughing and snorting but moving along. I will try to have something of some value soon (maybe).
Posted by Karen at 7:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
daddy's little girl
Last night was the father daughter dance at school. This always makes my heart flutter. Maddie was so excited, and looked beautiful. She says that her daddy was a lot of fun and danced with her all night. Aren't they cute?
Posted by Karen at 2:17 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
click here to see what he has done..
ok, this is starting to break the bank, I'm proud, broke, but proud...
Posted by Karen at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Roberts family (who I do not know, but have been reading their blog for months) lost their daughter this morning. Please be in prayer for their family, I can not even begin to imagine the enormous pain they are feeling now.
Posted by Karen at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jake, you are dead to me.
For those of you keeping count, as of now both Kraft and Jake Delhomme are dead to me. It has been a rough few weeks, I consider myself a fairly forgiving person.
Posted by Karen at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
As we begin another year, my first thought is "another year, man am I getting old". But other than that I am struck by how blessed I am. No matter how many bad things happened in 2008, I AM BLESSED. My husband has a job, I have a job, we have a home, with heat, our children are healthy, our parents are healthy, and if you have seen us lately you KNOW we are not starving. So no matter the ups and downs of 2008, or those to come in 2009, the Lord has blessed me beyond my imagination, I will cling to that as I rest fully in Him.
Happy New Year everyone!
Posted by Karen at 9:27 AM 0 comments