Monday, February 16, 2009

i hate people like me...

I hate it when people don't update their blogs. I am sorry for being one of those people lately. I have good excuses, such as school, sinus infection and last week pneumonia. I have been a barrel of laughs lately, just ask my poor JB, he has been working, taking care of the children and not complaining one time about me sleeping constantly for the last week.
I do feel human again, still coughing and snorting but moving along. I will try to have something of some value soon (maybe).


This IS The Fun Part! said...

OMG! Why doesn't somebody let me know things like that! Oh, yeah - probably because I'm such a worrier - and probably because I do the exact same thing - and probably because there's not one dang thing I can do to fix it!

I'm soooooo sorry you've been feeling so bad. Hope the good doc and the feel better fairy are doing their magic and you'll be all better soon!

The Other Momma