Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday 13: Thirteen Reasons I Don't Want School to Start!

As all 6, of my faithful readers knows school starts soon: Monday August 20, 2007 to be exact. I am not looking forward to the kids going back to school, here's why:

  1. The alarm clock goes off at 5:30am every day!
  2. Packing two lunches for children who won't eat sandwiches is not a lot of fun.
  3. My children are growing up too fast, having a 1st and 5th grader proves that.
  4. Getting to know new teachers is challenging, and sometimes not all that rewarding.
  5. Homework!
  6. Trying to balance home, sports and school (plus cheer this year.)
  7. Did I mention the alarm goes off at 5:30am?
  8. Fifth graders have homework on the weekends!
  9. Too many hours spent volunteering, and not enough cleaning my summer ravaged house!
  10. No more swimming pool.
  11. Homework!
  12. They both need all new clothes (they eat/grow too much.)
  13. THE ALARM CLOCK GOES OFF AT 5:30AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sandy D. said...

Finally! Something worth reading on the internet!

Unknown said...

Sounds like my list too!
5:30 a.m.!!!!!!!
5th grade has homework on the weekends......oh no!!!!!!!
I have 2 that don't do sandwiches either...ideas?????
I will be thinking of you Mon. a.m. and I'll see you at school!
: )

Karen said...

I bet NA is so excited! Maybe we can all catch her excitement

A said...

She certainly is! We tried on some of her uniforms and she told me..."I look like a gardener! Out of the mouths of babes....
I will be thinking of you Monday a.m.!