Well, for better or for worse, the alarm clock did not go off this morning. It worked out ok, I hurried around and got ready in time, and no one was late on the first day. Both kids were excited this morning, and seem to happy this afternoon. The little one has already said she can't wait to go to bed tonight so it will be morning and she can go to school. We started the day off (the moms that is) walking around the outside of the school praying. For some reason I feel so good about this year, I feel that we are off to a great start. Anyway, the kids both had a great day, they both think their teachers are out of this world, so as a mom, that is all I can ask for, that and for them to feel the same way tomorrow.
Also, my friends in Alabama will note, the big one and I no longer have the same hair cut. He went last week and Mrs. Cora got him back into dress code. Last week the new fifth grade teacher described him as the tall kid with the shaggy hair- well NO MORE! If I ever get my beach pics up, my friends in Alabama, may mistake the pics of the big one for Rosie O'Donnell. That should give you something to look forward to!
Julio and I are excited about seeing the pics. Hurry!
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