Wednesday, February 25, 2009

did I tell you they won???

Last Sunday Maddie had a competition in Greensboro. They preformed really well, we were so excited by how they preformed, but cautious about where they would finish, as we have thought all year they were great, but their finishes did not show it. We totally disrespected the 2nd place team and cheered when we realized we had won, sorry Cheer Extreme Salem, next time we will be better sports, I promise! Anyway, we are proud as punch of you guys!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Larry!

This sweet cat is 5 today. We celebrated with homemade chicken noodle soup (he ate the chicken) and a brownie with pink and blue sprinkles (we used both since he is an it) and sang happy birthday with him hardly even getting mad. I think it was a fitting birthday for this sweet boy, I mean cat.

Monday, February 16, 2009

i hate people like me...

I hate it when people don't update their blogs. I am sorry for being one of those people lately. I have good excuses, such as school, sinus infection and last week pneumonia. I have been a barrel of laughs lately, just ask my poor JB, he has been working, taking care of the children and not complaining one time about me sleeping constantly for the last week.
I do feel human again, still coughing and snorting but moving along. I will try to have something of some value soon (maybe).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


ok, so it has already stopped snowing, but it was really pretty while it lasted!