The Pickle got Guitar Hero for his reward, for making Principal's Honor Roll. Then he promptly upon returning home with it, pushed his sister to the ground and got grounded from it until the next day. Today he has played most of the day, if I hear "Slow Ride" or "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" again, I may scream. To be a good sport, I gave it a try, lets just say there is no Guitar Hero in me. My most favorite people in Alabama tell me it will get better, I'm not counting on it.
The first few night we had it I couldn't clear the 4th song on level one "The Story Of My Life".
I tried so many times and then that night I didn't get any sleep because I kept waking up to that song playing in my head. I hated it. Now that I have cleared the easy level- I went back and played it with no trouble at all. It does get better. Stick to easy- medium is hard!
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