Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Goodbye Purr

As expected my friend Valorie's grandmother died tonight. Even though I have expected it, held my breath everytime the phone rang, it was still a shock tonight to hear "my Purr died." I know unfortunately the pain that Valorie feels right now. I was there many years ago, and my heart was broken just like Valorie's.

I can't help but think that as Christian's- believers in Jesus Christ- that death is not something to fear, but something to rejoice. I went straight to Val's and we were talking about how the kids were handling Purr's death, and she was telling them about heaven. How excited Purr's friends were to see her again, how they were all hugging her and telling hew how glad they were to see her. As believers, we know that there is more, when we die, the best is yet to come. How desperate and bleak death must seem to those who do not have the hope that we have.

Purr is rejoicing with the angels, she is praising God, she is healthy and whole, and happier than she could ever imagine being on earth. We should rejoice in her happiness and wholeness and long for the day when we will be together again. Although, I am so glad that she is not suffering anymore, I will miss her just the same.

Thanks Purr for all you meant to us.