Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I can not believe that my sweet little baby is 12 today. This seems like yesturday, I remember we were taking pictures with JB's friend Mike Skoli, and DP was in the sweetest mood. Now he's 12 and not always in such a sweet mood, but we love him anyway. He has turned into a wonderful kid, and I would not change him for anything.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

happy anniversary

I can not believe that this was 14 years ago today. I remember so clearly the weather on that day, they way everything looked and how excited I was to be Mrs. Holman. I did not think I could love this man anymore than I did that day, boy was I wrong. What a gift from God, I am so blessed beyond belief to be Mrs. Jonathan Holman.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

standing up for what you believe in

I am so proud of Miss California. Now generally I do not watch pageants, or haven't in a lot of years, and I did not watch the Miss USA pageant this weekend, but I sure have given it much thought since I saw highlights on the news. Here's what happened...
Miss California was asked in the interview portion of the program whether or not she believed that gay marriage should be legal in all 50 states. Her response was no she believed that marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman. Was this a popular answer? No, although she was met with applause as well as the boos, but she said what she believed. In the days that have followed, she has been berated by the judge/blogger, she has been judged in the media and talked about A LOT, yet this afternoon she was on TV again stating that she stood by her answer and even if it cost her winning the Miss USA crown, she wasn't about to change her beliefs.
It is not always easy to stand up for what we believe. As Christians we are often persecuted for our beliefs, yet this young woman has the courage to stand up for what she believes. I just can't help but admire her courage, and think about her mom, she must be really proud.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

for Cora

Last night Cora at mom's-night out, was shaming me for my lack of blogging, she even said that she could not believe I had not even posted Easter finery pictures. Here are the two pictures I took Sunday morning before church.