Saturday, March 28, 2009
happy birthday!
Posted by Karen at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
twice in one day
Stop what your doing right now and pray for baby Stellen. You can click over to Mckmama's blog (look to the left) and check on the latest. Many of you may have read last summer as he was diagnosed as terminal by his heart doctor while in utero. The Lord healed him and he was born healthy last fall. His heart issues seem to have reared up again, he is in SVT which is a fast heart beat (sometimes up to 300 beats per minute).
God can do anything and he can heal Stellen again, right this very instant, of this I firmly believe. Pray for God's comfort, peace and strength as his parents go through this time.
Posted by Karen at 8:04 PM 0 comments
nothing to report
I am so turning into these people that drive me crazy that never update their blog, maybe it is time to ditch the whole thing, something to think about.
Not much to report really, just going on about lives, running like mad people. It is crazy how busy our lives are, makes me think that one day we will turn around and wonder where did our lives go. We have so much to be thankful for I guess I shouldn't complain.
Lots of stress last week with he BIG meeting at school for next year. Looks like I get to keep my job, unfortunately lots of my friends weren't as fortunate. Scary times for sure, we were going to only be able to keep one kid there, if I wasn't working there, wasn't sure how we were going to be able to explain that, thankfully it looks like we won't have to.
Both kids are doing so well in school. Blows my mind what an incredible student Dyl has become, two years ago I thought we wouldn't get through 4th grade, now he is on the Headmasters honor roll every time, what a blessing from God. Mad is of course an incredible student, always has been, loves to read and is currently reading on a 5th grade level (she's in second grade)! But if she doesn't get her backhand spring soon, I am going to go MAD!!! Seems like it is always one step forward two steps back in that department.
That's all folks.....
Posted by Karen at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
happy birthday baby girl
Posted by Karen at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
isn't this cute?
These pictures are from this afternoon's trip outside to play in the snow. The first picture is Dylan with his "Wilson." He built his snowman across the street and carried it home piece by piece when it was done. The bottom is Dylan, Kobe and Grace with both snowmen. Mad is noticibly absent from these pictures, apparently there was a meeting of a snowball and her face, which did not go over well and she came home. These cute snowmen are no credit to her, she was too busy being a pill. According to her "I got up way before the sun to see the snow." Hopefully she will go to bed early, and sleep in, as they have already cancelled school for tomorrow as well.
Posted by Karen at 8:15 PM 1 comments
we had snow on our snow day!
We finally had real snow, the kids are so excited. The kids of all ages. JB took the kids sledding at the middle school, I am home making a big pot of white chicken chilli. Soup should warm them up nicely when they get home. Nice to be home today, wonderful that the kids got enough snow to actually play in this time!
Posted by Karen at 11:32 AM 1 comments