Sunday, August 24, 2008

Anyone know where the 2016 Olympics are?

Dyl Pickle had his first cross-country meet Friday. As they took off on their journey, the coach says to me "Dyl will be our 4th place finisher today." I'm thinking, cool, it's his first race and he has only had 1 1/2 weeks of practice. So later, I look up to see P (a freshman) our very best runner coming to the finish, I then look past P to see Dyl right behind him. He finished second on our team, he even beat a senior! We were proud as punch. The new thing around here is that it will be our luck that when he goes to the Olympics, it'll be some place we don't really care to visit.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The first day of school is in the books! I think the fact that I survived the first day of teaching middle school is a good start. It was definitely different from the elementary, but good just the same. They were fun to be with and excited about the project we are going to be working on, so I guess for MS students to show enthusiasm is a good start.
My elementary kids were great, lots of hugs all around. I love how affectionate they are and how excited they were to be back at school. I even had one kid complain when it was time to leave!
As for the kids, I visited with Mad at lunch time and she was having a great day. Her favorite things in this order were: organizing her notebook and doing a "fun" math sheet. I'm sure she will be over the moon by 3. As for Dyl, I caught a glimpse of him during lunch, he was playing football on the soccer field. He was playing with a bunch of boys, I guess that is a good sign as well. My baby is in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! I'm doing my best to handle that well.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Either That or an Ulcer

Ever since the thunder at 4:11 am this morning, my mind has been moving very quickly. The pit in my stomach tells me today is the day I return to work. Now, don't go getting me wrong, I LOVE my job, I am blessed beyond measure to have my job and get a paycheck for it. I am grateful to have the exact same schedule as my kids and be in the same building all day long with them, but (isn't there always a but) why does summer have to be over already? After an emotional day of crying yesturday ( what if I don't do a good job, what if the new thing is not good, what if the sky falls, etc) I feel ready. Sort of. Of course today it is raining (what a great day for a nap) and I will be working, I'm sure I have had one nap all summer and it was at the beach. Note to self: next summer nap more, time flys when you're having fun.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Greetings from Ocean Isle Beach

Enjoying the beach this weekend. Big Daddy had to play in a golf tournament, so the kids and I are soaking up the sun, and boy did I soak up the sun today, I'm pretty sure I met my vitamin d quota for today. Me and Mad were on the beach from 9:30-6:30 today, she is worn out, and already laying in the bed, I suspect she will be out soon. The beach is great, not too hot, not too windy. Lots of buggy boarding, digging in the sand and flying kites.
On to an important new discovery in my life, Coke Zero. I have tried for YEARS to find a diet soda that I liked, with no luck, last week I tried Coke Zero, and it rocks! I bet I'll be skinny soon.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now...

Pickle, is the proud owner of 12 days of contact lenses. He did well taking them out and putting them in at the docs office, who knows what sort of trouble will come our way in the morning when we are trying to get them in.
We ran some errands including saving tax on $6.98 in school supplies during our tax free weekend. We also went to Wal-Mart and there was a man in a Spiderman suit handing out candy to kids. I laughed so hard, which got the kids giggling, and I'm pretty sure he knew we were making fun of him, especially when I took his pic and text messaged it to Alabama. If I knew how to get it off my phone I would post it on this blog because it is PRICELESS!!!! No big plans this weekend except a birthday party for a one year old, at a mansion in the ville. I actually said to this one year old's dad, if you're doing this for her 1st birthday, what do you do for 2?
Peace Out.